Schüler:innen schreiben: The life of a German student

Ein Beitrag aus dem Englischunterricht von Marvin Gier (EF):

Being a teenager in Germany can be very stressful. At least if you’re like me a high school student. At this point in life school takes up most of you’re time. For example, I have school from 8 am to half past 4 pm, and on top of that there’s a lot of homework and I still have to learn for exams. This leaves me with very little free time to spend with activities I enjoy like for example reading or jogging outside while listening to music. If you are in a similar state as I’m, you’re probably wondering if I have any suggestions for you? And I think I do, if you don’t have a lot of free time I think you should spend the time you have with doing thinks you really enjoy.


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